1. To open the Ananda Sukarlan Vocal Competition in Surabaya, Ananda Sukarlan will give a lecture at the Centre Culturel Francais (where the competition will take place) on Friday the 8th, at 6 p.m. His lecture will concentrate on his vocal works and his compositional methods in general, and you can ask him anything.
The Final round however (10 April) will be at Auditorium UK Petra. The best young vocalists from all over Indonesia are participating in this competition, so it's an event not to be missed by any vocal music lovers! Contact 031.7137.5599 or check Ananda's twitter account @anandasukarlan for update news.
2. Tickets still available for Ananda Sukarlan's pocket opera, "Ibu, yang anaknya diculik itu" on April 16th (8 p.m) and 17th (4 p.m.) at Auditorium Bank Indonesia, Jakarta. Please check www.musik-sastra.com or contact Chendra at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 0818 891038 for further info.
3. Ananda Sukarlan will chat with the protagonist of the opera IBU, soprano Aning Katamsi, in his radio program "Eric & Ananda Classical Eve" at Delta FM Radio this Sunday, April 3rd at 8 p.m. You can listen to it from any part of the world through streaming at www.deltafmjakarta.com . And you can tweet to @anandasukarlan starting from now if you want to ask Ananda & Aning any questions regarding vocal music, choir (Aning will also talk about Paragita choir of which she is the conductor) and Ananda's opera, and other works sung by Aning.
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