After a gathering of all participants at 4 p.m, Monday July 19th will witness the artistry and dazzling techical virtuosity of Inge Buniardi, performing a Debussy Etude, a Mozart Sonata and Brahms' Sonata no. 3 which is rarely performed in Indonesia. Her concert will start at 7.30 p.m.
The competition itself will start on Tuesday at 3 p.m. One can listen LIVE interpretations of the most virtuosic Chopin Etudes, the most polyphonically complex Bach and Shostakovich Fugues as well as the most sublime Beethoven & Mozart Sonatas. Please check our latest -and definite- schedule at http://asaward.blogspot.com/ (only in Indonesian) and follow us at http://twitter.com/anandasukarlan.
Due to the high interest of public and media and busy telephone traffic, tickets reservations and more info are preferably done by email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Please only call for urgent matters at 0818 891038 .
Tickets for Inge Buniardi's inauguration concert is Rp. 75.000, and during ASA is Rp.100.000 for the whole day. This ticket is valid for one full day, so please do not lose it when you go out of the hall and intend to come back.
Ananda Sukarlan Award is not searching a new Mozart or a new Rachmaninov. ASA is searching musicians who can be yourself, and give the best of yourself ! MAY THE BEST WIN!