8 persons who answers correctly all the 3 questions below will receive one free ticket each for Ananda Sukarlan's concert at the World Theatre - British International School (Jakarta, April 25th at 7 p.m - 4 tickets) or Gedung Cak Durasim (Surabaya May 2nd at 5 p.m - 4 tickets)
You can find the answers by searching them at google or youtube, as well as reading Ananda Sukarlan's blog at http://andystarblogger.blogspot.com .
Please send your answers to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you are interested to win for the Jakarta concert, and to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you are interested for the Surabaya concert and write your answers such as :
1. A 2. B 3. C etc ., before the 9th of April 2010. The winners will be announced through the facebook group "Ananda Sukarlan's friends" 1 and 2 on the 12th of April, so join one of them if you haven't ! If you have already reserved a ticket for either of the concerts and then turn out to be one of the winners of this quiz, you can have your money back for 1 ticket. Good luck !
1. Fakta manakah dibawah ini yang TIDAK benar mengenai Rapsodia Nusantara no. 4 ?
a. Karya ini adalah karya wajib untuk Kompetisi Nasional Ananda Sukarlan Award 2010
b. Bentuk karya ini bukan rapsodia, tapi introduksi - tema dan variasi
c. Rapsodia ini adalah yang berdurasi terpendek dan secara teknis paling mudah diantara 7 nomor Rapsodia Nusantara yang telah tercipta.
d. Karya ini selesai dicipta sebelum Rapsodia no. 5 (yang berdasarkan 2 lagu rakyat Makassar), tapi baru diperdanakan sesudah Rapsodia no. 5
2. Apakah alamat website Yayasan Musik Sastra Indonesia yang didirikan oleh Ananda Sukarlan, Chendra Panatan, Dedi Panigoro dan Pia Alisjahbana?
a. www.musiksastra.com
b. www.musik-sastra.com
c. www.musiksastra.org
d. www.musik-sastra.net.id
3. Sebuah karya Ananda untuk biola dan piano, "Sweet Sorrow" diinspirasi oleh frase ini :
"Good night, good night !
Parting is such sweet sorrow,
That I shall say good night till it be morrow."
Pujangga besar manakah yang telah menuliskannya ?
a. Thomas Mann
b. Thomas Cruise
c. William Shakespeare
d. Arthur Rimbaud
- Hits: 27459