Ananda Sukarlan's Website

Ananda Sukarlan's Website

Sukarlan es, hoy por hoy, uno de los motores de la creación pianística de nuestros días. Su labor es infatigable. Sin duda se trata de uno de esos intérpretes que de no existir habría que inventar. (Alberto G. Lapuente, "ABC")

Ananda Sukarlan es un pianista excepcional.... interpreta como nadie la música de los compositores de nuestro tiempo. (Alvaro Guibert, "La Razon")

Ananda Sukarlan, un magnífico pianista dio a cada autor lo suyo, penetrando en las raíces de la idea y clarificando la a veces dificil exposición. (Enrique Franco,"El País")

Ananda Sukarlan, irreprochable en sus cualidades técnicas y perfecto en su minuciosa y variada comprensión de las obras. (Manuel Castillo, compositor 1930 - 2005, en "ABC")

Sukarlan posee una tecnica poderosa, casi infalible, y una inteligencia artística que profundiza en los estilos de forma sobresaliente. Sus versiones están marcadas por lo auténtico y de lo que se siente en lo más hondo. (Carlos Gomez Amat, "El Mundo")

Sukarlan's performance of, it must be said, extremely difficult music, from Spain and Scotland was unparalleled. His mastery of the piano allowed him to effortlessly cope with the most challenging rhythms alongside lilting, soothing melodies with ease. It made mainstream music seem almost tame in comparison. (Martin Lenon, Evening News, Scotland)

Sukarlan is recognised as one of the world's leading pianists and has been at the forefront of championing new piano music. (S. Creagh, Sydney Morning Herald)

Ananda Sukarlan is a pianist of quite startling luminosity and vivacity, a keyboard colourist whose palette would surely glow with Debussy, Ravel and Messiaen if it were not on this occasion spattered with an array of composers from a different hemisphere. All of them were fortunate to have him as their exponent. (Conrad Wilson, The Herald, Scotland)

Sukarlan bezit een afwisselend toucher, behoudt overzicht, weet lange lijnen goed vast te houden en er spreekt uit zijn spel al routine in de goede zin van het woord. (Ernst Vermeulen, NRC Handelsblad, Holland)

Met dit palet aan composities toont Sukarlan tegelijkertijd zijn eigen pianistische kunnen. En dat is verbluffend groot : niet alleen heeft hij een kwikzilveren toucher, ook zijn visie op de stukken ademt een vanzelfsprekendheid uit alsof hij de muziek zelf bedacht heeft. (Jacqueline Oskamp, De Groene Amsterdammer)

"... I was taken aback by the freshness and vitality of the playing. Mr. Sukarlan's interpretation [of Tippett's First Sonata] gave it a strength and poetry that elevated it onto a new plane. Technically, his playing was impeccable and his tone-control and variety of colour quite admirable ." ( Sir Michael Tippett , composer 1905 - 1998)

" ... Ananda is one of the few excellent interpreters of my very difficult piano work 'Trepidus'. ... An exceptionally gifted pianist, he combines musicality with a very intelligent and sharp insight in both the music and the playing ." ( Louis Andriessen , composer)

"Sukarlan hat eine vorzügliche Technik und verfügt über einen sehr schönen Anschlag. Er kann auf dem Klavier "singen". Darüber hinaus verfügt er über eine vollkommene stilistische Sicherheit. (Alfons Kontarsky, pianist)


31 March 2017



Our Address

Yayasan Musik Sastra Indonesia (Indonesian Classical Music Foundation)
Ananda Sukarlan Center for Music & Dance

  ITC Fatmawati
Jl. RS Fatmawati, Kompleks Duta Mas Blok A1 no. 11
Jakarta 12150
  +62-21 7237285
  +62-21 7222055

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