

Starting from May 1st 2011, YMSI is proud to have Mesty Ariotedjo as our spokeswoman and ambassador. Mesty is a very talented young lady, whose abundant love for music, life and people is such that it is contagious. She combines it with her love with the world of health & medicine which is her professional occupation, and is hoping that those two worlds would meet and support each other. She is also genuinely passionate for spreading classical music to as many people as possible, and therefore we are honored to have her as our ambassador, partner and friend in reaching our goals to make Indonesia a better nation through classical music.

Should you have any inquiries, please email to admin


30 March 2017



Our Address

Yayasan Musik Sastra Indonesia (Indonesian Classical Music Foundation)
Ananda Sukarlan Center for Music & Dance

  ITC Fatmawati
Jl. RS Fatmawati, Kompleks Duta Mas Blok A1 no. 11
Jakarta 12150
  +62-21 7237285
  +62-21 7222055

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